Internal Audit Reports

Issue Date Entity Report Number Report Title Report/Available Date
Mar 7 2019 ODA E/AC.51/2019/4 Evaluation of the Office for Disarmament Affairs PDF icon Download (480.74 KB)
Feb 25 2019 DM E/AC.51/2019/3 Evaluation of the Office of Human Resources Management PDF icon Download (526.16 KB)
Feb 22 2019 DPI E/AC.51/2019/2 Evaluation of the Department of Public Information PDF icon Download (1.14 MB)
Jul 30 2018 DPKO, DFS IED-18-010 Inspection of the performance of missions’ operational responses to Protection of Civilians (POC) related incidents PDF icon Download (1.66 MB)
Apr 6 2018 UNODA IED-18-007 Evaluation of the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs PDF icon Download (1.39 MB)
Mar 29 2018 CAAC, SVC, VAC IED-18-005 Evaluation of the Offices of the Special Representatives of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict, for Sexual Violence in Conflict, and on Violence against Children PDF icon Download (1.49 MB)
Mar 27 2018 DM IED-18-006 Evaluation of Department of Management-Office of Human Resources Management PDF icon Download (1.52 MB)
Mar 22 2018 UN-Women E/AC.51/2018/5/Corr.1 Triennial review of the Implementation of Recommendations on the Programme Evaluation of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN-Women) : Corrigendum PDF icon Download (218.41 KB)
Mar 19 2018 ESCAP E/AC.51/2018/3 Triennial review of the implementation of the recommendations from the programme evaluation of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific PDF icon Download (396.83 KB)
Mar 19 2018 UN-HABITAT E/AC.51/2018/2 Triennial review of the implementation of the recommendations from the programme evaluation of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme PDF icon Download (469.92 KB)