Feb 11 2015 |
2015/011 |
Audit of the operations in Colombia for the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees |
14 March 2015 |
Download (124.34 KB) |
Non Confidential |
Feb 19 2015 |
DM |
2015/012 |
Audit of the Headquarters Property Survey Board |
22 March 2015 |
Download (109.71 KB) |
Non Confidential |
Feb 24 2015 |
2015/013 |
Audit of the operations in Eritrea for the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees |
27 March 2015 |
Download (105.05 KB) |
Non Confidential |
Feb 27 2015 |
2015/014 |
Audit of information and communications technology security in the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund |
27 February 2015 |
27 February 2015 |
Confidential |
Mar 10 2015 |
2015/015 |
Audit of overtime at the United Nations Headquarters |
10 April 2015 |
Download (253.95 KB) |
Non Confidential |
Mar 12 2015 |
2015/016 |
Audit of the United Nations Compensation Commission claims payments |
12 April 2015 |
Download (343.8 KB) |
Non Confidential |
Mar 12 2015 |
2015/017 |
Audit of practices related to monitoring of time and attendance at the United Nations Office at Geneva |
12 April 2015 |
Download (197.32 KB) |
Non Confidential |
Mar 13 2015 |
2015/018 |
Audit of the operations in Kazakhstan for the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees |
13 April 2015 |
Download (109.1 KB) |
Non Confidential |
Mar 25 2015 |
2015/019 |
Audit of recruitment of national staff and individual contractors in the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali |
25 April 2015 |
Download (252.53 KB) |
Non Confidential |
Mar 30 2015 |
2015/020 |
Audit of United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime operations in Eastern Africa |
30 April 2015 |
Download (123.72 KB) |
Non Confidential |