Search OIOS Internal Audit and Evaluation Reports

Issue Date Entity Report No Report Title Avail Date Report/Available Date Confidentiality
Dec 20 2023 UNMISS 2023/074 Audit of field office operations in support of the mandate of the United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan 20 January 2024 PDF icon Download (768.81 KB) Non Confidential
Jul 29 2015 UNAMA, UNAMI and DFS 2015/076 Audit of Field Support Suite of applications in selected field missions/offices 29 August 2015 PDF icon Download (125.13 KB) Non Confidential
Dec 12 2017 UNDOF 2017/136 Audit of finance and human resources management in the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force 12 January 2018 PDF icon Download (105.09 KB) Non Confidential
Dec 4 2014 UNFICYP 2014/118 Audit of financial and administrative functions in the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus 05 January 2015 PDF icon Download (220.77 KB) Non Confidential
Dec 15 2014 UNTSO 2014/134 Audit of financial and administrative functions in the United Nations Truce Supervision Organisation 14 January 2015 PDF icon Download (195.49 KB) Non Confidential
Dec 27 2022 ESCWA 2022/088 Audit of financial and administrative management in the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia 27 January 2023 PDF icon Download (819.53 KB) Non Confidential
Dec 20 2016 DM, ECLAC 2016/172 Audit of financial and human resources management in the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean 20 January 2017 PDF icon Download (420.41 KB) Non Confidential
Oct 12 2015 UNCCD 2015/117 Audit of financial management at the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification 12 November 2015 PDF icon Download (302.37 KB) Non Confidential
Nov 12 2014 ODA 2014/109 Audit of financial management in the Implementation Support Unit for the Biological Weapons Convention in the Office for Disarmament Affairs 12 December 2014 PDF icon Download (261 KB) Non Confidential
Feb 21 2019 UN-Habitat 2019/006 Audit of financial management of the Habitat III Conference at the United Nations Human Settlements Programme 24 March 2019 PDF icon Download (598.08 KB) Non Confidential