Internal Audit Reports


(a) Report availability: As of 1 June 2013, internal audit reports issued by the Office of Internal Oversight Services are available 30 days following issuance of the report.

(b) Implementation rates of recommendations

The attached spreadsheet provides critical and important recommendation implementation rates for each of the final audit reports posted on the website (as of the most recent quarterly follow-up exercise).

Implementation rates (last updated: August 2024)

Issue Date Entity Report Number Report Title Avail Date No. of Important Recommendations No. of Critical Recommendations Report/Available Date Confidentiality
14 September 2023 CNMC 2023/039 Audit of United Nations support for the Cameroon-Nigeria Mixed Commission 15 October 2023 5 0 PDF icon Download (814.37 KB) Non Confidential
06 September 2023 UNHCR 2023/037 Audit of Multi-Country Office in Cameroon for the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees 07 October 2023 7 0 PDF icon Download (507.33 KB) Non Confidential
31 August 2023 MINUSMA 2023/034 Audit of the management of construction projects in the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali 01 October 2023 5 0 PDF icon Download (646.53 KB) Non Confidential
31 August 2023 UNFCCC 2023/035 Audit of the Transparency Division at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 01 October 2023 12 0 PDF icon Download (490.93 KB) Non Confidential
31 August 2023 UNCCD 2023/036 Audit of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification 01 October 2023 6 0 PDF icon Download (422.33 KB) Non Confidential
25 August 2023 MINUSMA 2023/032 Audit of support for security sector reform in the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali 25 September 2023 5 0 PDF icon Download (787.41 KB) Non Confidential
23 August 2023 UNMISS 2023/031 Audit of international staff recruitment in the United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan 23 September 2023 3 0 PDF icon Download (863.6 KB) Non Confidential
08 August 2023 OCHA 2023/030 Audit of information and communications technology governance, operations and security at the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs 08 September 2023 12 0 PDF icon Download (475.88 KB) Non Confidential
04 August 2023 MINUSCA 2023/028 Audit of the child protection programme in the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic 04 September 2023 5 0 PDF icon Download (568.05 KB) Non Confidential
04 August 2023 UNEP 2023/029 Audit of procurement at the United Nations Environment Programme 04 September 2023 7 0 PDF icon Download (486.79 KB) Non Confidential