Search OIOS Internal Audit and Evaluation Reports

Issue Date Entity Report No Report Title Avail Date Report/Available Date Confidentiality
Apr 21 2016 ECE IED-16-003 Evaluation of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) 22 May 2016 PDF icon Download (201.01 KB) Non Confidential
May 31 2016 DPA IED-16-004 Evaluation of the United Nations Department of Political Affairs (DPA) 01 July 2016 PDF icon Download (1.25 MB) Non Confidential
Jun 10 2020 DESA IED-19-015 Evaluation of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs 11 July 2020 PDF icon Download (2.45 MB) Non Confidential
Mar 18 2015 UNCTAD E/AC.51/2015/4 Evaluation of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development 19 April 2015 PDF icon Download (469.36 KB) Non Confidential
Dec 29 2015 DPKO, DFS IED-15-010 Evaluation of the Senior Leadership Training of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) and the Department of Field Support (DFS) 29 January 2016 PDF icon Download (677.41 KB) Non Confidential
Sep 29 2016 DPKO IED-16-014 Evaluation of the Results of National Police Capacity-Building in Haiti, Côte d'Ivoire and the Democratic Republic of the Congo by United Nations Police in MINUSTAH, UNOCI and MONUSCO 30 October 2016 PDF icon Download (2.97 MB) Non Confidential
Dec 21 2021 UNDCO IED-21-016 Evaluation of the Resident Coordinator System contribution to country-level programme coherence 21 January 2022 PDF icon Download (1.19 MB) Non Confidential
Dec 31 2020 DPO, UNAMID, DCO IED-2020-008 Evaluation of the relevance, effectiveness and efficiency of UNAMID in supporting transition from peacekeeping to peacebuilding in Darfur in collaboration with UNCTs 31 January 2021 PDF icon Download (2.31 MB) Non Confidential
Mar 1 2021 DPO, UNAMID, UNDCO A/75/787 Evaluation of the relevance, effectiveness and efficiency of the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur in supporting transition from peacekeeping to peacebuilding in Darfur in collaboration with United Nations country team 01 March 2021 PDF icon Download (809.06 KB) Non Confidential
Feb 12 2024 DMSPC, DESA, UNCTAD, UN-Habitat, UNODC, OHCHR, OCHA, ECA, ESCAP, ECE, ECLAC, ESCWA IED-23-007 Evaluation of the Regular Programme for Technical Cooperation (RPTC) 14 March 2024 PDF icon Download (1.33 MB) Non Confidential