Search OIOS Internal Audit and Evaluation Reports

Issue Date Entity Report No Report Title Avail Date Report/Available Date Confidentiality
Dec 14 2016 UNSOS 2016/159 Audit of the repairs and maintenance of generators in the United Nations Support Office in Somalia 14 January 2017 PDF icon Download (93.73 KB) Non Confidential
Dec 13 2016 UNOCI 2016/158 Audit of the phasing out of human resources in the United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire during the drawdown period 13 January 2017 PDF icon Download (101.96 KB) Non Confidential
Dec 13 2016 UNMIL 2016/152 Audit of archives and records management in the United Nations Mission in Liberia 13 January 2017 PDF icon Download (178.52 KB) Non Confidential
Dec 12 2016 UNHCR 2016/157 Audit of the operations in Croatia for the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees 12 January 2017 PDF icon Download (128.28 KB) Non Confidential
Dec 12 2016 DFS, DM 2016/156 Audit of electronic mail and information and communications technology security in the Department of Field Support 12 January 2017 PDF icon Download (126.45 KB) Non Confidential
Dec 12 2016 UN-HABITAT 2016/155 Audit of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme project management process 12 January 2017 PDF icon Download (199.06 KB) Non Confidential
Dec 12 2016 UNIFIL 2016/154 Audit of facilities management in the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon 12 January 2017 PDF icon Download (93.51 KB) Non Confidential
Dec 12 2016 UNAMI 2016/153 Audit of procurement activities in the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq 12 January 2017 PDF icon Download (136.35 KB) Non Confidential
Dec 9 2016 MINUSMA 2016/151 Audit of asset management in the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali 09 January 2017 PDF icon Download (396.97 KB) Non Confidential
Dec 9 2016 UNHCR 2016/150 Audit of the Medical Insurance Plan at the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees 09 January 2017 PDF icon Download (147.1 KB) Non Confidential