Search OIOS Internal Audit and Evaluation Reports

Issue Date Entity Report No Report Title Avail Date Report/Available Date Confidentiality
Aug 31 2015 UNSOA 2015/090 Audit of the recruitment of national staff by the United Nations Support Office for the African Union Mission in Somalia 01 October 2015 PDF icon Download (348.77 KB) Non Confidential
Aug 31 2015 UNSOA 2015/089 Audit of contracts management in the United Nations Support Office for the African Union Mission in Somalia 01 October 2015 PDF icon Download (212.98 KB) Non Confidential
Aug 28 2015 DPKO IED-15-007 Review of the logical frameworks underlying selected aspects of United Nations peacekeeping operations 16 October 2015 PDF icon Download (402.09 KB) Non Confidential
Aug 28 2015 UNAMI 2015/088 Audit of vehicle fleet management in the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq 28 September 2015 PDF icon Download (1.83 MB) Non Confidential
Aug 28 2015 DM, MONUSCO, DFS 2015/087 Audit of the implementation of Umoja in the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Regional Service Centre, Entebbe 28 September 2015 PDF icon Download (1.29 MB) Non Confidential
Aug 28 2015 UNAMI 2015/086 Audit of the Kuwait Joint Support Office 28 September 2015 PDF icon Download (408.85 KB) Non Confidential
Aug 27 2015 MINUSTAH 2015/085 Audit of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti’s trust fund to strengthen specialized sexual and gender-based crimes police cells and units within the Haitian National Police 27 September 2015 PDF icon Download (868.36 KB) Non Confidential
Aug 27 2015 UNHABITAT 2015/084 Audit of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean 27 September 2015 PDF icon Download (194.04 KB) Non Confidential
Aug 27 2015 UNEP 2015/083 Audit of the United Nations Environment Programme Caribbean Environment Programme 27 September 2015 PDF icon Download (95.17 KB) Non Confidential
Aug 26 2015 UNIFIL 2015/082 Audit of engineering support services in the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon 26 September 2015 PDF icon Download (225.82 KB) Non Confidential