Search OIOS Internal Audit and Evaluation Reports

Issue Date Entity Report No Report Title Avail Date Report/Available Date Confidentiality
Dec 27 2018 MINUSCA 2018/147 Audit of fuel management in the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic 27 January 2019 PDF icon Download (793.58 KB) Non Confidential
Dec 24 2018 MONUSCO 2018/146 Audit of disarmament, demobilization and reintegration in the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo 24 January 2019 PDF icon Download (730.35 KB) Non Confidential
Dec 20 2018 UNHCR 2018/145 Audit of the operations in Côte d’Ivoire for the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees 20 January 2019 PDF icon Download (122.89 KB) Non Confidential
Dec 20 2018 UNSOM, UNSOS 2018/144 Audit of management of leave and attendance records in the United Nations Support Office in Somalia and the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia 20 January 2019 PDF icon Download (316.04 KB) Non Confidential
Dec 20 2018 UNHCR 2018/143 Audit of the arrangements for reporting on the use of donor funds at the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees 20 January 2019 PDF icon Download (137.71 KB) Non Confidential
Dec 19 2018 UNMISS 2018/142 Audit of the United Nations police operations in the United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan 19 January 2019 PDF icon Download (433.62 KB) Non Confidential
Dec 19 2018 UNITAR 2018/141 Audit of human resources management at the United Nations Institute for Training and Research 19 January 2019 PDF icon Download (279.97 KB) Non Confidential
Dec 18 2018 UNISDR 2018/140 Audit of the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction 18 January 2019 PDF icon Download (459.56 KB) Non Confidential
Dec 18 2018 UNAMID 2018/139 Audit of asset management in the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur 18 January 2019 PDF icon Download (552.14 KB) Non Confidential
Dec 18 2018 UNMISS 2018/138 Audit of recruitment in the United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan 18 January 2019 PDF icon Download (265.56 KB) Non Confidential