Search OIOS Internal Audit and Evaluation Reports

Issue Date Entity Report No Report Title Avail Date Report/Available Date Confidentiality
Aug 31 2018 UNHCR 2018/080 Audit of the operations in Angola for the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees 01 October 2018 PDF icon Download (133.01 KB) Non Confidential
Aug 31 2018 ECLAC 2018/079 Audit of the management of the economic cluster of subprogrammes in the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean 01 October 2018 PDF icon Download (106.76 KB) Non Confidential
Aug 29 2018 DFS 2018/078 Audit of accounts receivable and payable in the United Nations Mission in Liberia 29 September 2018 PDF icon Download (88.65 KB) Non Confidential
Aug 3 2018 UN-HABITAT 2018/077 Audit of the Research and Capacity Development sub-programme at the United Nations Human Settlements Programme 03 September 2018 PDF icon Download (667.24 KB) Non Confidential
Aug 1 2018 DPKO, MONUSCO 2018/076 Audit of the United Nations police operations in the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo 01 September 2018 PDF icon Download (225.07 KB) Non Confidential
Jul 31 2018 ECA 2018/075 Audit of the mainstreaming of Sustainable Development Goals into the Economic Commission for Africa programme of work 31 August 2018 PDF icon Download (585.77 KB) Non Confidential
Jul 30 2018 DPKO, DFS IED-18-010 Inspection of the performance of missions’ operational responses to Protection of Civilians (POC) related incidents 30 August 2018 PDF icon Download (1.66 MB) Non Confidential
Jul 27 2018 DPA 2018/074 Audit of support provided to cluster II special political missions by the Department of Political Affairs 27 August 2018 PDF icon Download (401.33 KB) Non Confidential
Jul 24 2018 UNODC 2018/073 Audit of procurement and contract management at the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime in Colombia 24 August 2018 PDF icon Download (113.82 KB) Non Confidential
Jul 24 2018 DM 2018/072 Audit of acquisition and management of information and communications technology assets in the Office of Information and Communications Technology 24 August 2018 PDF icon Download (740.91 KB) Non Confidential