Search OIOS Internal Audit and Evaluation Reports

Issue Date Entity Report No Report Title Avail Date Report/Available Date Confidentiality
Mar 29 2018 UNHCR 2018/021 Audit of the proGres version 4 registration and case management system at the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees 29 April 2018 PDF icon Download (140.07 KB) Non Confidential
Mar 29 2018 UNMIL 2018/020 Audit of assets disposal in the United Nations Mission in Liberia 29 April 2018 PDF icon Download (245.96 KB) Non Confidential
Mar 29 2018 DFS, UNMISS 2018/018 Audit of leave and attendance in the United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan 29 April 2018 PDF icon Download (1.41 MB) Non Confidential
Mar 27 2018 DM IED-18-006 Evaluation of Department of Management-Office of Human Resources Management 27 April 2018 PDF icon Download (1.52 MB) Non Confidential
Mar 27 2018 UNOG 2018/019 Audit of safety and security operations at the United Nations Office at Geneva 27 March 2018 27 March 2018 Confidential
Mar 27 2018 UNEP 2018/017 Audit of the United Nations Environment Programme Secretariat of the Convention for the Protection and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the West and Central African Region and its Protocol 27 April 2018 PDF icon Download (231.34 KB) Non Confidential
Mar 22 2018 UN-Women E/AC.51/2018/5/Corr.1 Triennial review of the Implementation of Recommendations on the Programme Evaluation of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN-Women) : Corrigendum 22 March 2018 PDF icon Download (218.41 KB) Non Confidential
Mar 22 2018 UNHCR 2018/016 Audit of the operations in Northern Iraq for the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees 22 April 2018 PDF icon Download (170.72 KB) Non Confidential
Mar 22 2018 UNMIL 2018/015 Audit of phasing out of human resources in the United Nations Mission in Liberia during the drawdown period 22 April 2018 PDF icon Download (314.23 KB) Non Confidential
Mar 22 2018 UNAMID 2018/014 Audit of quick-impact projects in the African Union-United Nation Hybrid Operation in Darfur 22 April 2018 PDF icon Download (462.28 KB) Non Confidential