Internal Audit Reports


(a) Report availability: As of 1 June 2013, internal audit reports issued by the Office of Internal Oversight Services are available 30 days following issuance of the report.

(b) Implementation rates of recommendations

The attached spreadsheet provides critical and important recommendation implementation rates for each of the final audit reports posted on the website (as of the most recent quarterly follow-up exercise).

Implementation rates (last updated: August 2024)

Issue Date Entity Report Number Report Title Avail Date No. of Important Recommendations No. of Critical Recommendations Report/Available Date Confidentiality
08 August 2017 ICTY, MICT 2017/076 Audit of official travel at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia and the Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals 08 September 2017 5 0 PDF icon Download (159.32 KB) Non Confidential
07 August 2017 UNSOS 2017/075 Audit of business continuity in the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia and United Nations Support Office in Somalia 07 September 2017 4 0 PDF icon Download (99.16 KB) Non Confidential
03 August 2017 UNAMID 2017/074 Audit of the community stabilization programme in the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur 03 September 2017 7 0 PDF icon Download (217.06 KB) Non Confidential
03 August 2017 DFS 2017/073 Audit of accounts receivable and payable in the United Nations Operation in in Côte d’Ivoire 03 September 2017 3 0 PDF icon Download (318.44 KB) Non Confidential
03 August 2017 MONUSCO 2017/072 Audit of warehouse management in the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo 03 September 2017 8 0 PDF icon Download (130.32 KB) Non Confidential
25 July 2017 DFS, UNISFA 2017/071 Audit of recruitment of staff in the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei 25 August 2017 2 0 PDF icon Download (144.8 KB) Non Confidential
18 July 2017 UNHCR 2017/070 Audit of information and communications technology security at the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees 18 July 2017 8 0 Withheld Confidential
17 July 2017 ECLAC 2017/069 Audit of sustainable development and human settlement subprogramme in the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean 17 August 2017 3 0 PDF icon Download (199.22 KB) Non Confidential
13 July 2017 UNHCR 2017/068 Audit of the operations in Somalia for the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees 13 August 2017 5 3 PDF icon Download (155.02 KB) Non Confidential
12 July 2017 UNHCR 2017/067 Audit of the operations in Chad for the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees 12 August 2017 6 0 PDF icon Download (142.08 KB) Non Confidential