Search OIOS Internal Audit and Evaluation Reports

Issue Date Entity Report No Report Title Avail Date Report/Available Date Confidentiality
Feb 14 2022 DPPA A/76/697 Thematic evaluation of Political affairs in peacekeeping missions 14 February 2022 PDF icon Download (645.58 KB) Non Confidential
Feb 21 2023 Secretariart E/AC.51/2023/3 Thematic evaluation of Secretariat support for the Sustainable Development Goals 21 February 2023 PDF icon Download (883.13 KB) Non Confidential
Mar 17 2017 Regional commissions E/AC.51/2017/8 Thematic evaluation of the regional commissions 18 April 2017 PDF icon Download (795.04 KB) Non Confidential
Mar 20 2023 DPPA, DPO E/AC.51/2023/7 Thematic Evaluation of the Youth, Peace and Security Agenda: Youth Participation 20 March 2023 PDF icon Download (595.8 KB) Non Confidential
May 9 2024 OHRLLS IED-23-020 Triennial Review of the implementation of recommendations made by the OIOS evaluation of the United Nations Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States 09 June 2024 PDF icon Download (263.05 KB) Non Confidential
Oct 4 2017 DPKO, DFS IED-17-010 Triennial review of implementation of recommendations contained in the OIOS evaluation report on the implementation and results of protection of civilians mandates in United Nations peacekeeping operations 04 November 2017 PDF icon Download (1.3 MB) Non Confidential
Mar 11 2020 ESCWA E/AC.51/2020/3 Triennial review of recommendations from the programme evaluation of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia 11 March 2020 PDF icon Download (281.15 KB) Non Confidential
Mar 10 2020 ECE E/AC.51/2020/2 Triennial review of recommendations from the programme evaluation of the Economic Commission for Europe 10 March 2020 PDF icon Download (278.4 KB) Non Confidential
Mar 17 2020 OCHA E/AC.51/2020/6 Triennial review of recommendations from the programme evaluation of the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs 17 March 2020 PDF icon Download (273.75 KB) Non Confidential
Mar 20 2020 UNHCR E/AC.51/2020/8 Triennial review of recommendations from the programme evaluation of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees 20 March 2020 PDF icon Download (237.54 KB) Non Confidential