Internal Audit Reports


(a) Report availability: As of 1 June 2013, internal audit reports issued by the Office of Internal Oversight Services are available 30 days following issuance of the report.

(b) Implementation rates of recommendations

The attached spreadsheet provides critical and important recommendation implementation rates for each of the final audit reports posted on the website (as of the most recent quarterly follow-up exercise).

Implementation rates (last updated: August 2024)

Issue Date Entity Report Number Report Title Avail Date No. of Important Recommendations No. of Critical Recommendations Report/Available Date Confidentiality
24 September 2021 UNMISS 2021/045 Audit of fleet management in the United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan 25 October 2021 6 0 PDF icon Download (697.78 KB) Non Confidential
10 December 2021 UNJSPF 2021/061 Audit of the two-track system in the Pension Administration of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund 10 January 2022 7 0 PDF icon Download (623.23 KB) Non Confidential
27 December 2021 UNDCO 2021/077 Audit of the secretariat of the Joint Fund for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development 27 January 2022 7 0 PDF icon Download (1023.01 KB) Non Confidential
06 April 2022 MINUSMA 2022/007 Audit of community violence reduction projects in the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali 07 May 2022 4 0 PDF icon Download (743.34 KB) Non Confidential
27 June 2022 UN-Habitat 2022/023 Audit of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme Somalia Country Office activities 28 July 2022 9 0 PDF icon Download (462.86 KB) Non Confidential
25 August 2022 UNHCR 2022/039 Audit of the operations in the Philippines for the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees 25 September 2022 3 0 PDF icon Download (449.52 KB) Non Confidential
05 November 2022 UNEP 2022/056 Audit of the United Nations Environment Programme Mediterranean Action Plan Secretariat for the Barcelona Convention 06 December 2022 3 0 PDF icon Download (504.46 KB) Non Confidential
16 December 2022 UNAMI 2022/072 Audit of the electoral support provided by the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq to the October 2021 elections 16 January 2023 2 0 PDF icon Download (782.64 KB) Non Confidential
27 December 2022 UNMHA 2022/087 Audit of the United Nations Mission to support the Hudaydah Agreement 27 January 2023 1 0 PDF icon Download (329.34 KB) Non Confidential
06 April 2023 UNMISS 2023/009 Audit of the issuance of identity cards and physical access controls in the United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan 07 May 2023 4 0 PDF icon Download (644.34 KB) Non Confidential