
Promotional materials meant to highlight the “no excuses, zero tolerance” approach to sexual exploitation and abuse by United Nations personnel.UN Photo/Nektarios Markogiannis | Promotional materials highlight the “no excuses, zero tolerance” approach to sexual exploitation and abuse by UN personnel

Our goals for investigations

We aim to foster greater transparency and accountability within the Organization. The Investigations Division strives to protect the human and financial resources of the UN by investigating fraud, corruption, sexual exploitation and abuse and other misconduct in the workplace in line with OIOS’ mandate (A/RES/48/218 B).


By doing so, the Division re-enforces and upholds UN regulations, rules, administrative issuances and contractual provisions and contributes to increased efficiency and effectiveness in the delivery of UN activities and services.


OIOS' vision for a "strong and accountable United Nations" underpins the Investigations Division’s activities.

Investigations hotline

To provide confidential reports of waste, fraud, mismanagement or other wrongdoing in the United Nations, please contact OIOS:

Submit online reporting form:




Call  hotline at :

 + 1 212 963 1111 (24 hours a day)

Regular mail to:

     United Nations Headquarters
     Director, Investigations Division
     Office of Internal Oversight Services
     S-09FW (South Wing)
     405 East 42nd Street
     New York, NY 10017, U.S.A

OIOS investigates misconduct allegations that involve personnel and entities within the United Nations Secretariat, including field missions.

Message by UN Secretary-General António Guterres

The UN Secretary-General on protection measures from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse.

How we investigate

An OIOS investigation is an administrative fact-finding activity, which means collecting evidence to either support or refute the reported violations.  The focus is on possible misconduct by individuals and prohibited practices by vendors/third parties; however, some systemic issues might also be analysed at the same time. Read more

What we investigate

Examples of investigations conducted by the Investigations Division include reports of serious and costly mismanagement or waste of the Organization's resources, sexual exploitation and sexual abuse, sexual harassment, complex fraud, improper recruitment, conflicts of interest, and third-party fraud in the execution of United Nations contracts or other agreements. Read more


Frequently Asked Questions

Refer to the most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and answers on OIOS' investigations.