Internal Audit Reports


(a) Report availability: As of 1 June 2013, internal audit reports issued by the Office of Internal Oversight Services are available 30 days following issuance of the report.

(b) Implementation rates of recommendations

The attached spreadsheet provides critical and important recommendation implementation rates for each of the final audit reports posted on the website (as of the most recent quarterly follow-up exercise).

Implementation rates (last updated: April 2024)

Issue Date Entity Report Number Report Title Avail Date No. of Important Recommendations No. of Critical Recommendations Report/Available Date Confidentiality
24 September 2015 DM 2015/103 Audit of the recruitment process at the United Nations Headquarters in New York 25 October 2015 4 0 PDF icon Download (345.44 KB) Non Confidential
11 September 2018 UNICRI 2018/082 Audit of human resources management at the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute 12 October 2018 10 0 PDF icon Download (126.12 KB) Non Confidential
30 September 2020 DMSPC, DOS 2020/034 Audit of document management systems and related processes in the United Nations Secretariat 31 October 2020 6 0 PDF icon Download (598.8 KB) Non Confidential
04 November 2014 RSCE 2014/105 Audit of the processing of staff claims and payments by the Regional Service Centre in Entebbe 04 December 2014 3 0 PDF icon Download (211.12 KB) Non Confidential
21 September 2023 UNHCR 2023/043 Audit of the management of cash-based interventions in UNHCR response to the Ukraine crisis 22 October 2023 6 0 PDF icon Download (477.63 KB) Non Confidential
19 February 2016 UNOCI 2016/007 Audit of local procurement in the United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire 21 March 2016 6 0 PDF icon Download (150.61 KB) Non Confidential
09 August 2017 UNMISS 2017/079 Audit of facilities management in the United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan 09 September 2017 5 0 PDF icon Download (218.4 KB) Non Confidential
24 April 2019 UNSOS 2019/025 Audit of the management of the Trust Fund in support of the African Union Mission to Somalia and the Somali National Army 25 May 2019 7 0 PDF icon Download (746.4 KB) Non Confidential
18 November 2013 UNDOF 2013/094 Audit of evacuation and other related entitlements in the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force 18 December 2013 3 0 PDF icon Download (99.84 KB) Non Confidential
15 December 2021 DPO 2021/062 Audit of the implementation of the Action Plan to strengthen the security of United Nations peacekeepers by the Department of Peace Operations 15 January 2022 8 0 PDF icon Download (465.37 KB) Non Confidential