Search OIOS Internal Audit and Evaluation Reports

Issue Date Entity Report No Report Title Avail Date Report/Available Date Confidentiality
Mar 4 2016 UNON 2016/010 Audit of the provision of translation and editorial services at the United Nations Office at Nairobi 04 April 2016 PDF icon Download (107.16 KB) Non Confidential
May 11 2016 UNON 2016/042 Audit of safety and security at the United Nations Office at Nairobi 11 May 2016 11 May 2016 Confidential
Dec 31 2018 UNON 2018/150 Audit of payroll processing at the United Nations Office at Nairobi 31 January 2019 PDF icon Download (153.42 KB) Non Confidential
Dec 18 2023 UNON 2023/065 Audit of delegation of authority at the United Nations Office at Nairobi 18 January 2024 PDF icon Download (343.41 KB) Non Confidential
Dec 18 2023 UNON 2023/066 Audit of flexible workplace strategies at the United Nations Office at Nairobi 18 January 2024 PDF icon Download (2.57 MB) Non Confidential
May 13 2016 UNON 2016/046 Audit of the administrative arrangements for the provision of common services by the United Nations Office at Nairobi 13 June 2016 PDF icon Download (930.68 KB) Non Confidential
Dec 5 2013 UNOMS 2013/110 Audit of administrative management of the Office of the United Nations Ombudsman and Mediation Services in the United Nations Secretariat 06 January 2014 PDF icon Download (113.64 KB) Non Confidential
Nov 18 2013 UNOG, OCHA, OHCHR 2013/093 Audit of the preparedness of the United Nations Office at Geneva and its client organizations to comply with the International Public Sector Accounting Standards on property, plant and equipment and inventory 18 December 2013 PDF icon Download (432.82 KB) Non Confidential
Nov 26 2013 UNOG 2013/105 Audit of the telecommunications billing process at the United Nations Office at Geneva 26 December 2013 PDF icon Download (247.33 KB) Non Confidential
Mar 12 2015 UNOG 2015/017 Audit of practices related to monitoring of time and attendance at the United Nations Office at Geneva 12 April 2015 PDF icon Download (197.32 KB) Non Confidential