Internal Audit Reports

Issue Date Entity Report Number Report Title Report/Available Date
Mar 25 2015 UN Women E/AC.51/2015/9 Evaluation of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN-Women) PDF icon Download (642.34 KB)
Mar 20 2015 UNHQ A/70/72 Strengthening the role of evaluation and the application of evaluation findings on programme design, delivery and policy directives PDF icon Download (946.6 KB)
Mar 19 2015 ITC E/AC.51/2015/8 Evaluation of the International Trade Centre PDF icon Download (399.69 KB)
Mar 18 2015 UNCTAD E/AC.51/2015/4 Evaluation of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development PDF icon Download (469.36 KB)
Mar 18 2015 ESCAP E/AC.51/2015/7 Evaluation of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific PDF icon Download (704.08 KB)
Mar 18 2015 UNHCR E/AC.51/2015/5 Evaluation of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees PDF icon Download (520 KB)
Mar 18 2015 ECLAC E/AC.51/2015/6 Evaluation of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean PDF icon Download (952.47 KB)
Mar 18 2015 ECOSOC E/AC.51/2015/3 Thematic evaluation of monitoring and evaluation of the Millennium Development Goals: lessons learned for the post-2015 era PDF icon Download (412.94 KB)
Jan 8 2015 UN-Habitat E/AC.51/2015/2 Evaluation of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) PDF icon Download (1.16 MB)