Search OIOS Internal Audit and Evaluation Reports

Issue Date Entity Report No Report Title Avail Date Report/Available Date Confidentiality
Mar 19 2018 ESCAP E/AC.51/2018/3 Triennial review of the implementation of the recommendations from the programme evaluation of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific 19 March 2018 PDF icon Download (396.83 KB) Non Confidential
Mar 19 2018 UN-HABITAT E/AC.51/2018/2 Triennial review of the implementation of the recommendations from the programme evaluation of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme 19 March 2018 PDF icon Download (469.92 KB) Non Confidential
Mar 19 2018 DPKO 2018/013 Audit of recruitment of United Nations police 19 April 2018 PDF icon Download (934.88 KB) Non Confidential
Mar 16 2018 DGACM IED-18-004 Evaluation of the Department for General Assembly and Conference Management 16 April 2018 PDF icon Download (909.97 KB) Non Confidential
Mar 15 2018 ITC E/AC.51/2018/8 Triennial review of the implementation of the recommendations from the programme evaluation of the International Trade Centre 15 March 2018 PDF icon Download (470.91 KB) Non Confidential
Mar 15 2018 ECLAC E/AC.51/2018/7 Triennial review of the implementation of the recommendations from the programme evaluation of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean 15 March 2018 PDF icon Download (424.44 KB) Non Confidential
Mar 15 2018 UNHCR E/AC.51/2018/6 Triennial review of the implementation of the recommendations from the programme evaluation of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees 15 March 2018 PDF icon Download (517.77 KB) Non Confidential
Mar 15 2018 UNCTAD E/AC.51/2018/4 Triennial review of the implementation of the recommendations from the programme evaluation of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development 15 March 2018 PDF icon Download (466.17 KB) Non Confidential
Mar 15 2018 MINUSMA 2018/012 Audit of aviation safety in the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali 15 April 2018 PDF icon Download (118.5 KB) Non Confidential
Mar 14 2018 DPI IED-18-003 Evaluation of the Department of Public Information 14 April 2018 PDF icon Download (1.31 MB) Non Confidential