Internal Audit Reports


(a) Report availability: As of 1 June 2013, internal audit reports issued by the Office of Internal Oversight Services are available 30 days following issuance of the report.

(b) Implementation rates of recommendations

The attached spreadsheet provides critical and important recommendation implementation rates for each of the final audit reports posted on the website (as of the most recent quarterly follow-up exercise).

Implementation rates (last updated: April 2024)

Issue Date Entity Report Number Report Title Avail Date No. of Important Recommendations No. of Critical Recommendations Report/Available Date Confidentiality
27 December 2023 UNMISS 2023/096 Audit of the protection, transition and reintegration activities in the United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan 27 January 2024 5 0 PDF icon Download (541.61 KB) Non Confidential
14 December 2017 UNAMID 2017/141 Audit of the protection of civilians programme in the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur 14 January 2018 6 0 PDF icon Download (778.73 KB) Non Confidential
27 December 2022 UNON 2022/089 Audit of the project for replacement of blocks A to J at the United Nations Office at Nairobi 27 January 2023 5 0 PDF icon Download (2.93 MB) Non Confidential
05 April 2024 UNHCR 2024/011 Audit of the progress in implementing the Business Transformation Programme for the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees 06 May 2024 11 0 PDF icon Download (565.55 KB) Non Confidential
29 March 2018 UNHCR 2018/021 Audit of the proGres version 4 registration and case management system at the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees 29 April 2018 5 1 PDF icon Download (140.07 KB) Non Confidential
21 June 2013 DFS 2013/056 Audit of the procurement, administration and management of rations contracts 22 July 2013 23 0 PDF icon Download (2.02 MB) Non Confidential
17 April 2014 DM 2014/021 Audit of the procurement, administration and management of freight forwarding contracts by the Department of Management in support of peacekeeping operations 19 May 2014 0 0 PDF icon Download (336.95 KB) Non Confidential
24 June 2015 MONUSCO 2015/060 Audit of the procurement and management of contracts for services in the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo 25 July 2015 4 0 PDF icon Download (499.34 KB) Non Confidential
04 November 2014 RSCE 2014/105 Audit of the processing of staff claims and payments by the Regional Service Centre in Entebbe 04 December 2014 3 0 PDF icon Download (211.12 KB) Non Confidential
26 June 2014 DM 2014/051 Audit of the process of reporting cases of fraud or presumptive fraud in financial statements 28 July 2014 4 0 PDF icon Download (109.39 KB) Non Confidential