Inspection and Evaluation Reports

Issue Date Entity Report Number Report Title Report Type Thematic Areas Report/Available Date
Feb 28 2024 OSAA, ECA, DGC E/AC.51/2024/3 Triennial review of the evaluation of United Nations support for the New Partnership for Africa’s Development provided by programme 9 through OSAA, ECA, DGC Triennial Review Sustainable Development PDF icon Download (476.91 KB)
Feb 28 2024 IRMCT IED-23-014 Evaluation of the methods and work of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals Program Evaluation Peace and Security PDF icon Download (415.48 KB)
Feb 12 2024 DMSPC, DESA, UNCTAD, UN-Habitat, UNODC, OHCHR, OCHA, ECA, ESCAP, ECE, ECLAC, ESCWA IED-23-007 Evaluation of the Regular Programme for Technical Cooperation (RPTC) Program Evaluation Organizational Management and Support PDF icon Download (1.33 MB)
Feb 7 2024 ECA, ECE, ECLAC, ESCWA IED-24-002 Synthesis Review of Evaluation Results for Regional Economic Commissions – Contributions to Economic Development Thematic Evaluation Sustainable Development PDF icon Download (1.11 MB)
Jan 29 2024 UNMISS A/78/742 Evaluation of the UNMISS contribution to the strengthening the rule of law and accountability in South Sudan Program Evaluation Peace and Security PDF icon Download (580.14 KB)
Jan 4 2024 UNDCO IED-23-019 Evaluation of Resident Coordinator system support to enabling coherent United Nations policy advice Program Evaluation Organizational Management and Support PDF icon Download (1.57 MB)
Jul 19 2023 DPO IED-23-009 Synthesis of results of the support to the rule of law by five peacekeeping operations Thematic Evaluation Peace and Security PDF icon Download (376.98 KB)
Jul 17 2023 Secretariat IED-23-011 Synthesis Review on Advancing Gender Equality in the United Nations Secretariat Thematic Evaluation Organizational Management and Support PDF icon Download (582.58 KB)
Jul 7 2023 UNMISS IED-22-012 Evaluation of the UNMISS contribution to the strengthening the rule of law and accountability in South Sudan Program Evaluation Peace and Security PDF icon Download (549.29 KB)
Jun 2 2023 UNVMC IED-23-005 Evaluation of the United Nations Verification Mission in Colombia Program Evaluation Peace and Security PDF icon Download (765.88 KB)