Inspection and Evaluation Reports

Issue Date Entity Report Number Report Title Report Type Thematic Areas Report/Available Date
Jun 11 2020 UN-wide IED-20-004 Evaluation synthesis of Organizational Culture Thematic Evaluation Organizational Management and Support PDF icon Download (1.54 MB)
Jun 10 2020 DESA IED-19-015 Evaluation of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Program Evaluation Sustainable Development PDF icon Download (2.45 MB)
Jun 2 2020 DOS IED-20-002 Inspection of Boards of Inquiry in peacekeeping operations Inspection Organizational Management and Support PDF icon Download (1.3 MB)
May 28 2020 UN-Women IED-19-012 Inspection of the evaluation function of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women Inspection Organizational Management and Support PDF icon Download (455.48 KB)
May 4 2020 UNODC IED-19-016 Evaluation of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Program Evaluation Peace and Security PDF icon Download (981.83 KB)
Mar 26 2020 IRMCT S/2020/236 Evaluation of the Methods and Work of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals Program Evaluation Peace and Security PDF icon Download (843.89 KB)
Mar 25 2020 OSAA, ECA, DGC IED-19-018 Evaluation of the United Nations Support to the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) through OSAA/ECA/DGC Programme 9 Program Evaluation Sustainable Development PDF icon Download (3.24 MB)
Mar 20 2020 UNHCR E/AC.51/2020/8 Triennial review of recommendations from the programme evaluation of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Triennial Review Human Rights and Humanitarian Assistance PDF icon Download (237.54 KB)
Mar 18 2020 DPPA E/AC.51/2020/7 Triennial review of recommendations from the programme evaluation of the United Nations Department of Political Affairs Triennial Review Peace and Security PDF icon Download (225.9 KB)
Mar 18 2020 UNRWA E/AC.51/2020/4 Triennial review of recommendations from the programme evaluation of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Triennial Review Human Rights and Humanitarian Assistance PDF icon Download (256.55 KB)