Inspection and Evaluation Reports

Issue Date Entity Report Number Report Title Report Type Thematic Areas Report/Available Date
Apr 30 2019 UN Secretariat IED-19-002 United Nations Evaluation Dashboard 2016-17 Program Evaluation Organizational Management and Support PDF icon Download (1.97 MB)
Apr 26 2019 DOS, DPO IED-19-007 Evaluation of the contribution of the UNMISS Civil Affairs Division to the reduction of local conflict in South Sudan Program Evaluation Peace and Security PDF icon Download (813.5 KB)
Mar 25 2019 UNHCR E/AC.51/2019/8 Evaluation of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Program Evaluation Human Rights and Humanitarian Assistance PDF icon Download (618 KB)
Mar 25 2019 OLA E/AC.51/2019/9 Evaluation of the Office of Legal Affairs Program Evaluation Organizational Management and Support PDF icon Download (965.8 KB)
Mar 22 2019 UNEP E/AC.51/2019/7 Evaluation of the United Nations Environment Programme Program Evaluation Sustainable Development PDF icon Download (1.12 MB)
Mar 20 2019 UN Secretariat A/74/67 Strengthening the role of evaluation and the application of evaluation findings on programme design, delivery and policy directives Program Evaluation Organizational Management and Support PDF icon Download (743.52 KB)
Mar 14 2019 CAAC, SVC, VAC E/AC.51/2019/6 Evaluation of the Offices of the Special Representatives of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict, on Sexual Violence in Conflict and on Violence against Children Program Evaluation Peace and Security PDF icon Download (532.56 KB)
Mar 13 2019 DGACM E/AC.51/2019/5 Evaluation of the Department for General Assembly and Conference Management Program Evaluation Organizational Management and Support PDF icon Download (769.48 KB)
Mar 8 2019 OHCHR, DPO, DMSPC IED-19-004 Evaluation of the effectiveness of human rights monitoring, reporting and follow-up in the United Nations multi-dimensional peacekeeping operations Program Evaluation Peace and Security PDF icon Download (1003.96 KB)
Mar 8 2019 OOSA IED-19-003 Evaluation of the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs Program Evaluation Sustainable Development PDF icon Download (535.15 KB)