Search OIOS Internal Audit and Evaluation Reports

Issue Date Entity Report No Report Title Avail Date Report/Available Date Confidentiality
Oct 24 2014 OCHA 2014/104 Audit of the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs operations in Pakistan 24 November 2014 PDF icon Download (221.06 KB) Non Confidential
Oct 22 2014 UNCTAD 2014/103 Audit of the recruitment process at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development 21 November 2014 PDF icon Download (888.59 KB) Non Confidential
Oct 22 2014 UNEP 2014/102 Audit of the United Nations Environment Programme Mediterranean Action Plan for the Barcelona Convention 21 November 2014 PDF icon Download (125.52 KB) Non Confidential
Sep 30 2014 UNMIL 2014/101 Audit of local procurement in the United Nations Mission in Liberia 30 October 2014 PDF icon Download (220.68 KB) Non Confidential
Sep 30 2014 DPKO, DFS, DM 2014/100 Audit of the administration of entitlements and benefits of uniformed personnel by the Departments of Peacekeeping Operations, Field Support, Management, and selected field missions 30 October 2014 PDF icon Download (288.67 KB) Non Confidential
Sep 30 2014 DM 2014/099 Audit of vendor claims processing in the Integrated Management Information System at the Office of Programme Planning, Budget and Accounts 30 October 2014 PDF icon Download (596.55 KB) Non Confidential
Sep 29 2014 MINURSO 2014/098 Audit of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara 29 October 2014 PDF icon Download (183.64 KB) Non Confidential
Sep 29 2014 UNON 2014/097 Audit of procurement at the United Nations Office at Nairobi 29 October 2014 PDF icon Download (1.59 MB) Non Confidential
Sep 29 2014 DM-CMP 2014/096 Audit of associated costs and secondary data centre expenditures financed from the budget of the capital master plan 29 October 2014 PDF icon Download (98.04 KB) Non Confidential
Sep 29 2014 UNOWA 2014/095 Audit of the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Cameroon-Nigeria Mixed Commission 29 October 2014 PDF icon Download (228.34 KB) Non Confidential