Search OIOS Internal Audit and Evaluation Reports

Issue Date Entity Report No Report Title Avail Date Report/Available Date Confidentiality
Mar 14 2019 MINUSMA 2019/012 Audit of the management of the trust fund for peace and security in the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali 14 April 2019 PDF icon Download (585.91 KB) Non Confidential
Mar 13 2019 DGACM E/AC.51/2019/5 Evaluation of the Department for General Assembly and Conference Management 13 March 2019 PDF icon Download (769.48 KB) Non Confidential
Mar 13 2019 UNHCR 2019/011 Audit of the upgraded MSRP Finance and Supply Chain Module at the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees 13 April 2019 PDF icon Download (305.34 KB) Non Confidential
Mar 13 2019 ECE 2019/010 Audit of the Transport International Routier Trust Fund at the Economic Commission for Europe 13 April 2019 PDF icon Download (733.96 KB) Non Confidential
Mar 8 2019 OHCHR, DPO, DMSPC IED-19-004 Evaluation of the effectiveness of human rights monitoring, reporting and follow-up in the United Nations multi-dimensional peacekeeping operations 08 April 2019 PDF icon Download (1003.96 KB) Non Confidential
Mar 8 2019 OOSA IED-19-003 Evaluation of the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs 08 April 2019 PDF icon Download (535.15 KB) Non Confidential
Mar 7 2019 ODA E/AC.51/2019/4 Evaluation of the Office for Disarmament Affairs 07 March 2019 PDF icon Download (480.74 KB) Non Confidential
Mar 5 2019 IRMCT 2019/009 Audit of the Unified Judicial Database project at the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals 05 April 2019 PDF icon Download (105.02 KB) Non Confidential
Mar 5 2019 UNMISS 2019/008 Audit of local procurement in the United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan 05 April 2019 PDF icon Download (135.62 KB) Non Confidential
Mar 1 2019 UNHCR 2019/007 Audit of the operations in Libya for the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees 01 April 2019 PDF icon Download (398.19 KB) Non Confidential