Search OIOS Internal Audit and Evaluation Reports

Issue Date Entity Report No Report Title Avail Date Report/Available Date Confidentiality
Oct 2 2018 UNSOS 2018/090 Audit of the operation and maintenance of non-expendable property in the United Nations Support Office in Somalia and United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia 03 November 2018 PDF icon Download (611.79 KB) Non Confidential
Sep 25 2018 DM 2018/089 Audit of travel arrangements in the United Nations Secretariat in New York 26 October 2018 PDF icon Download (769.07 KB) Non Confidential
Sep 25 2018 UNAMID 2018/088 Audit of team site closure in the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur 26 October 2018 PDF icon Download (352.84 KB) Non Confidential
Sep 25 2018 UNIFIL 2018/086 Audit of management of information and communication technology assets and inventory in the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon 26 October 2018 PDF icon Download (304.32 KB) Non Confidential
Sep 24 2018 MINUSMA 2018/087 Audit of protection of civilians operations in the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali 25 October 2018 PDF icon Download (114.16 KB) Non Confidential
Sep 24 2018 UNIFIL 2018/085 Audit of safety and security in the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon 24 September 2018 24 September 2018 Confidential
Sep 21 2018 ECE 2018/084 Audit of the management of trust funds at the Economic Commission for Europe 22 October 2018 PDF icon Download (307.62 KB) Non Confidential
Sep 19 2018 UNFCCC 2018/083 Audit of benefits and entitlements at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 19 October 2018 PDF icon Download (106.68 KB) Non Confidential
Sep 11 2018 UNICRI 2018/082 Audit of human resources management at the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute 12 October 2018 PDF icon Download (126.12 KB) Non Confidential
Sep 10 2018 UNHCR 2018/081 Audit of the operations in Zambia for the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees 11 October 2018 PDF icon Download (176.8 KB) Non Confidential