Search OIOS Internal Audit and Evaluation Reports

Issue Date Entity Report No Report Title Avail Date Report/Available Date Confidentiality
Aug 13 2019 DMSPC, DOS 2019/069 Audit of the management of capital improvements and maintenance projects in the United Nations Secretariat in New York 13 September 2019 PDF icon Download (1008.44 KB) Non Confidential
Apr 6 2022 DMSPC, DOS 2022/008 Audit of business intelligence and data warehouse systems in the United Nations Secretariat 07 May 2022 PDF icon Download (618.03 KB) Non Confidential
Mar 7 2023 DMSPC, DOS 2023/005 Audit of leave and attendance in the United Nations Secretariat 07 April 2023 PDF icon Download (591.92 KB) Non Confidential
Sep 30 2020 DMSPC, DOS 2020/034 Audit of document management systems and related processes in the United Nations Secretariat 31 October 2020 PDF icon Download (598.8 KB) Non Confidential
Mar 29 2024 DMSPC, DOS 2024/010 Audit of security of electronic mail at the United Nations Secretariat 29 March 2024 29 March 2024 Confidential
Mar 27 2023 DMSPC, DOS, DGC 2023/008 Audit of the support provided by the Department of Management Strategy, Policy and Compliance and the Department of Operational Support to human resources management during the COVID-19 pandemic 27 April 2023 PDF icon Download (404.31 KB) Non Confidential
Feb 13 2020 DMSPC, DOS, MINUSCA 2020/002 Audit of secure communications and the related telecommunications infrastructure at the United Nations Secretariat 13 February 2020 13 February 2020 Confidential
Feb 12 2020 DMSPC, DOS, UNOV 2020/003 Audit of processes for the development and acquisition of software applications at the United Nations Secretariat 14 March 2020 PDF icon Download (3.52 MB) Non Confidential
Feb 22 2021 DMSPC, DPO IED-21-006 Evaluation of organizational culture in peacekeeping operations 26 March 2021 PDF icon Download (5.45 MB) Non Confidential
Mar 8 2021 DMSPC, DPO A/75/803 Evaluation of the organizational culture in peacekeeping operations 08 March 2021 PDF icon Download (1.01 MB) Non Confidential