Search OIOS Internal Audit and Evaluation Reports

Issue Date Entity Report No Report Title Avail Date Report/Available Date Confidentiality
Oct 22 2018 MINUSMA 2018/100 Audit of fleet management in the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali 22 November 2018 PDF icon Download (510.42 KB) Non Confidential
Oct 19 2018 DFS 2018/099 Audit of information and communications technology governance and security in the Regional Service Centre in Entebbe 19 November 2018 PDF icon Download (243.49 KB) Non Confidential
Oct 18 2018 ITC 2018/098 Audit of the International Trade Centre’s projects funded by the Netherlands Trust Fund 18 November 2018 PDF icon Download (277.87 KB) Non Confidential
Oct 17 2018 UNHCR 2018/097 Audit of the operations in Uganda for the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees 17 November 2018 PDF icon Download (401.55 KB) Non Confidential
Oct 16 2018 UNOG 2018/096 Audit of medical services at the United Nations Office at Geneva 16 November 2018 PDF icon Download (816.73 KB) Non Confidential
Oct 16 2018 MINUJUSTH 2018/095 Audit of logistics arrangements for supporting mandate implementation in the United Nations Mission for Justice Support in Haiti 16 November 2018 PDF icon Download (441.95 KB) Non Confidential
Oct 12 2018 UN-HABITAT 2018/094 Audit of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme in Barcelona 12 November 2018 PDF icon Download (335.87 KB) Non Confidential
Oct 12 2018 MICT 2018/093 Audit of management of tracking team resources at the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals 12 October 2018 12 October 2018 Confidential
Oct 9 2018 DFS 2018/092 Audit of payroll processing for uniformed personnel by the Regional Service Centre in Entebbe 09 November 2018 PDF icon Download (384.29 KB) Non Confidential
Oct 9 2018 UNHCR 2018/091 Audit of the upgraded MSRP Human Resources Module at the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees 09 November 2018 PDF icon Download (293.97 KB) Non Confidential