Search OIOS Internal Audit and Evaluation Reports

Issue Date Entity Report No Report Title Avail Date Report/Available Date Confidentiality
Feb 27 2017 OHCHR 2017/004 Audit of Office of the United Nations Commissioner for Human Rights support to the human rights treaty bodies 30 March 2017 PDF icon Download (102.51 KB) Non Confidential
Feb 17 2017 EOSG E/AC.51/2017/7 Evaluation of the Executive Office of the Secretary-General 18 March 2017 PDF icon Download (696.49 KB) Non Confidential
Feb 17 2017 DPKO, DFS A/71/798 Activities of the Office of Internal Oversight Services: review and evaluation of strategic deployment stocks 17 March 2017 PDF icon Download (730.38 KB) Non Confidential
Feb 13 2017 DESA 2017/003 Audit of the management of the sustainable development subprogramme in the Department of Economic and Social Affairs 16 March 2017 PDF icon Download (139.43 KB) Non Confidential
Feb 13 2017 DM, UNJSPF 2017/002 Audit of management of delays in processing of pension benefits in the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund 16 March 2017 PDF icon Download (3.46 MB) Non Confidential
Jan 24 2017 UNOG 2017/001 Audit of administration of medical insurance at the United Nations Office at Geneva 24 February 2017 PDF icon Download (656.11 KB) Non Confidential
Jan 12 2017 DPA E/AC.51/2017/6 Evaluation of the Office of the United Nations Department of Political Affairs 12 January 2017 PDF icon Download (1.12 MB) Non Confidential
Jan 12 2017 ECE E/AC.51/2017/5 Evaluation of the Economic Commission for Europe 12 January 2017 PDF icon Download (502.04 KB) Non Confidential
Jan 12 2017 ESCWA E/AC.51/2017/4 Evaluation of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia 12 January 2017 PDF icon Download (641.68 KB) Non Confidential
Jan 12 2017 UNRWA E/AC.51/2017/3 Evaluation of the Office of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East 12 January 2017 PDF icon Download (1.17 MB) Non Confidential