Search OIOS Internal Audit and Evaluation Reports

Issue Date Entity Report No Report Title Avail Date Report/Available Date Confidentiality
Jun 27 2022 UNMISS IED-22-008 Triennial Review of the 2019 Evaluation of the Contribution of the UNMISS Civil Affairs Division to the Reduction of Local Conflict in South Sudan 28 July 2022 PDF icon Download (2.81 MB) Non Confidential
Jul 15 2022 ESCAP IED-22-010 Evaluation of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) - Subprogramme 4: Environment and Development (EDD) 15 August 2022 PDF icon Download (639.18 KB) Non Confidential
Jul 7 2023 UNMISS IED-22-012 Evaluation of the UNMISS contribution to the strengthening the rule of law and accountability in South Sudan 07 August 2023 PDF icon Download (549.29 KB) Non Confidential
Mar 31 2023 DPO, DPPA, MINUSMA, MONUSCO, UNAMA, UNFICYP, UNISFA, UNMISS, UNOWAS, UNSOM IED-22-016 Evaluation of the incorporation of climate-related security risks by United Nations Peace Operations 01 May 2023 PDF icon Download (906.74 KB) Non Confidential
May 23 2023 OCHA IED-23-004 Evaluation of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs- Subprogramme 2: Coordination of humanitarian action and emergency response 23 June 2023 PDF icon Download (1015.44 KB) Non Confidential
Jun 2 2023 UNVMC IED-23-005 Evaluation of the United Nations Verification Mission in Colombia 03 July 2023 PDF icon Download (765.88 KB) Non Confidential
May 18 2023 Secretariat IED-23-006 United Nations Evaluation Dashboard 2020-2021 18 June 2023 PDF icon Download (5.54 MB) Non Confidential
Feb 12 2024 DMSPC, DESA, UNCTAD, UN-Habitat, UNODC, OHCHR, OCHA, ECA, ESCAP, ECE, ECLAC, ESCWA IED-23-007 Evaluation of the Regular Programme for Technical Cooperation (RPTC) 14 March 2024 PDF icon Download (1.33 MB) Non Confidential
Jul 19 2023 DPO IED-23-009 Synthesis of results of the support to the rule of law by five peacekeeping operations 19 August 2023 PDF icon Download (376.98 KB) Non Confidential
Jul 17 2023 Secretariat IED-23-011 Synthesis Review on Advancing Gender Equality in the United Nations Secretariat 17 August 2023 PDF icon Download (582.58 KB) Non Confidential