Internal Audit Reports

Issue Date Entity Report Number Report Title Report/Available Date
Feb 12 2024 DMSPC, DESA, UNCTAD, UN-Habitat, UNODC, OHCHR, OCHA, ECA, ESCAP, ECE, ECLAC, ESCWA IED-23-007 Evaluation of the Regular Programme for Technical Cooperation (RPTC) PDF icon Download (1.33 MB)
Feb 7 2024 ECA, ECE, ECLAC, ESCWA IED-24-002 Synthesis Review of Evaluation Results for Regional Economic Commissions – Contributions to Economic Development PDF icon Download (1.11 MB)
Jan 29 2024 UNMISS A/78/742 Evaluation of the UNMISS contribution to the strengthening the rule of law and accountability in South Sudan PDF icon Download (580.14 KB)
Jan 4 2024 UNDCO IED-23-019 Evaluation of Resident Coordinator system support to enabling coherent United Nations policy advice PDF icon Download (1.57 MB)
Jul 19 2023 DPO IED-23-009 Synthesis of results of the support to the rule of law by five peacekeeping operations PDF icon Download (376.98 KB)
Jul 17 2023 Secretariat IED-23-011 Synthesis Review on Advancing Gender Equality in the United Nations Secretariat PDF icon Download (582.58 KB)
Jul 7 2023 UNMISS IED-22-012 Evaluation of the UNMISS contribution to the strengthening the rule of law and accountability in South Sudan PDF icon Download (549.29 KB)
Jun 2 2023 UNVMC IED-23-005 Evaluation of the United Nations Verification Mission in Colombia PDF icon Download (765.88 KB)
May 23 2023 OCHA IED-23-004 Evaluation of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs- Subprogramme 2: Coordination of humanitarian action and emergency response PDF icon Download (1015.44 KB)
May 18 2023 Secretariat IED-23-006 United Nations Evaluation Dashboard 2020-2021 PDF icon Download (5.54 MB)