Internal Audit Reports

Issue Date Entity Report Number Report Title Report/Available Date
Mar 31 2023 DPO, DPPA, MINUSMA, MONUSCO, UNAMA, UNFICYP, UNISFA, UNMISS, UNOWAS, UNSOM IED-22-016 Evaluation of the incorporation of climate-related security risks by United Nations Peace Operations PDF icon Download (906.74 KB)
Mar 21 2023 UN-Wide A/78/70 Strengthening the role of evaluation and the application of evaluation findings on programme design, delivery, and policy directives PDF icon Download (1.28 MB)
Mar 20 2023 DPPA, DPO E/AC.51/2023/7 Thematic Evaluation of the Youth, Peace and Security Agenda: Youth Participation PDF icon Download (595.8 KB)
Mar 15 2023 ESCAP E/AC.51/2023/6 Evaluation of Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific: subprogramme 4, Environment and development PDF icon Download (1.07 MB)
Mar 8 2023 ECE E/AC.51/2023/5 Evaluation of Economic Commission for Europe: subprogramme 4, Economic cooperation and integration, and subprogramme 6, Trade PDF icon Download (936.37 KB)
Feb 22 2023 ESCWA E/AC.51/2023/4 Evaluation of Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia: subprogramme 3, Shared economic prosperity PDF icon Download (559.44 KB)
Feb 21 2023 Secretariart E/AC.51/2023/3 Thematic evaluation of Secretariat support for the Sustainable Development Goals PDF icon Download (883.13 KB)
Feb 13 2023 MINUSCA A/77/739 Outcome evaluation of the support provided by the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic for the fight against impunity, the extension of State authority and the rule of law in the Central African PDF icon Download (527.75 KB)
Feb 10 2023 UNMIK A/77/734 Evaluation of the contribution of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo to the rule of law PDF icon Download (589.67 KB)
Jan 18 2023 UNDCO E/AC.51/2023/2 Evaluation of the Development Coordination Office regional support PDF icon Download (548.78 KB)