Internal Audit Reports

Issue Date Entity Report Number Report Title Report/Available Date
Mar 16 2020 DPPA IED-20-001 Evaluation of the Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs PDF icon Download (517.64 KB)
Mar 11 2020 ESCWA E/AC.51/2020/3 Triennial review of recommendations from the programme evaluation of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia PDF icon Download (281.15 KB)
Mar 10 2020 ECE E/AC.51/2020/2 Triennial review of recommendations from the programme evaluation of the Economic Commission for Europe PDF icon Download (278.4 KB)
Mar 9 2020 OHRLLS IED-20-003 Evaluation of the United Nations Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States PDF icon Download (791.23 KB)
Oct 17 2019 DPO IED-19-010 Triennial review of the implementation of recommendations contained in the OIOS evaluation report on Senior Leadership Training of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) and the Department for Field Support (DFS) PDF icon Download (352.17 KB)
Jun 13 2019 UN Secretariat IED-19-001 Evaluation of United Nations entities’ the preparedness, policy coherence and early results associated with their support to Sustainable Development Goals PDF icon Download (1.54 MB)
Jun 12 2019 UNEP E/AC.51/2019/7/Corr.1 Evaluation of the United Nations Environment Programme : Corrigendum PDF icon Download (748.77 KB)
May 1 2019 UN Secretariat A/74/67/Corr.1 Strengthening the role of evaluation and the application of evaluation findings on programme design, delivery and policy directives : Corrigendum PDF icon Download (134.18 KB)
Apr 30 2019 UN Secretariat IED-19-002 United Nations Evaluation Dashboard 2016-17 PDF icon Download (1.97 MB)
Apr 26 2019 DOS, DPO IED-19-007 Evaluation of the contribution of the UNMISS Civil Affairs Division to the reduction of local conflict in South Sudan PDF icon Download (813.5 KB)