Internal Audit Reports

Issue Date Entity Report Number Report Title Report/Available Date
Dec 21 2021 UNDCO IED-21-016 Evaluation of the Resident Coordinator System contribution to country-level programme coherence PDF icon Download (1.19 MB)
Dec 13 2021 DPO, MINUSCA, MINUSMA, MONUSCO, UNMIK, UNMISS IED-21-015 Evaluation of Political affairs in peacekeeping missions PDF icon Download (2.86 MB)
Jun 21 2021 UN-wide IED-21-011 United Nations Evaluation Dashboard 2018-2019 PDF icon Download (3.02 MB)
Mar 22 2021 UN-wide A/75/820 Evaluation of the prevention, response and victim support efforts against sexual exploitation and abuse by United Nations Secretariat staff and related personnel PDF icon Download (1.71 MB)
Mar 19 2021 UN-Women E/AC.51/2021/7 Inspection of the evaluation function of UN-Women PDF icon Download (623.64 KB)
Mar 19 2021 UN-wide IED-21-010 Evaluation of the prevention, response and victim support efforts against sexual exploitation and abuse by United Nations Secretariat staff and related personnel PDF icon Download (1.46 MB)
Mar 18 2021 UN-wide A/76/69 Strengthening the role of evaluation and the application of evaluation findings on programme design, delivery and policy directives PDF icon Download (1.73 MB)
Mar 16 2021 UNODC E/AC.51/2021/6 Evaluation of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime PDF icon Download (885 KB)
Mar 8 2021 DMSPC, DPO A/75/803 Evaluation of the organizational culture in peacekeeping operations PDF icon Download (1.01 MB)
Mar 5 2021 DESA E/AC.51/2021/5 Evaluation of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs PDF icon Download (1.1 MB)